Soluzione per Tutti takes advantage of a team of lawyers and professional experts in several branches of law.
Our legal consultancy for the following services: release, renewal or updates of Residence Permits, compiling all residence card documents, carta blue EU requests regarding international protection for humanitarian reasons.
For everyone a solution in matter of: employment contract, full or part-time contract expectation, pratiche INPS, workplace-related accident or disease, nullaosta per lavoro, RED, legal disability. Family reunification, bonus bebè
Partita IVA activation for private or public firms, modello UNICO for Snc and Sas, SRL/SPA companies (LTD and SA companies), modelli 730, accounting management, balance for buste paga F24 (payroll F24), opening CCIAA registration, inizio attività SCIA, DURC. Consultancy for Chamber of Commerce’s paperwork, for all the acts and financial statement copies, brand local and international registration.
Real Estate contract registration, rental, buying and selling real estate properties, certificati catastali in bollo, mappa catastale outcome, rettifica e variazione catastale, visura storica, legal compliance at Municipality of Rome. Lodging of procedural documents in Conservatoria, real estate registration, inspection visure ipotecarie. Management and release of lease and loan contracts.